Be ready for an exploration to the new destination; Flores

Manage your flight from your home country to Indonesia directly to Komodo International Airport in Flores a new operated International Airport in Fores. From this western most point of the island, you will be able to explore the whole part of the island. Taking boat to visit the Komodo dragon at ist original habitat at Komodo National Park. Go and visit the different communities of indigenous tribes with various culture and differenr way of life. Penetrate inland to the rugged mountains and amazing volcanoes, flora and faunas on beauty, prestine beaches with white sands, or find out the colorful marine life in the deep sea. Kelimutu Volcano with itu three coloured lakes is one of the main attractions to see.

Please notice the timetables are unreliable and depend on the season. Trip with pessanger service boats often inconvenient due overloaded with people, animals and vehicle cargo.

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