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Our trip will mostly explore out of the track people usually do and spending more time away from the cities. Although ATM (Automated Teller Machine) is available and spread in every district, it is good to keep enough cash money during tour for your personal needs in emergency!

Cash basis payment is the general way of payment in Flores and only Rupiah (IDR) is accepted for cash payment. Money transfers are not usually possible, as using International account is not very common yet. There are ATM in the district capital depending on the Bank-accept major credit cards (Visa and Master Card) where you can get cash. The ATMs of BNI (National Bank of Indonesia) are the most reliable. The Bank can also change your foreign currency into Rupiah. Travel Cheques are rather difficult to change.

PT. Griffin Money Changer – the sister company of Trans Meridian Wisata, acts legally as reputable local money changer that make easy for every clients in every transaction. Please let your us know your cash need..


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